How is lmi defined?

Low-to-moderate (LMI) households, defined as those with income levels below 80% of the area's median income (AMI), represent 43% of the United States population. Work Level Month (WLM) means exposure to 1 level of work for 170 hours (2000 hours of work per year divided by 12 months a year are equivalent to approximately 170 hours per month).

How is lmi defined?

Low-to-moderate (LMI) households, defined as those with income levels below 80% of the area's median income (AMI), represent 43% of the United States population. Work Level Month (WLM) means exposure to 1 level of work for 170 hours (2000 hours of work per year divided by 12 months a year are equivalent to approximately 170 hours per month). The average sea level means, for the purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the national vertical geodetic data (NGVD) for 1929 or other data that refers to the base elevations of floods that are shown on a community's flood insurance rate map. A native of Hawaii is any person who is descended from the Aborigines who, before 1778, occupied and exercised sovereignty in the area that now constitutes the State of Hawaii.

A person's income is considered an LMI based on how it compares to the average household income in the area.